Circadian rhythm (internal clock)
WELL…Circadian rhythm is your body’s internal 24 hour clock.
This clock responds to light and dark stimuli. The circadian rhythm is
essentially your master clock that affects your physical, mental, and
behavioral changes in your body. The master clock in the body controls the
production of melatonin (hormone that makes you sleepy). Melatonin is released
in accordance to the amount of light that enters the eyes.
Circadian rhythms can be “out of whack” due to people working
night shift, people using screen devices before bed, use of stimulants (coffee,
pills, or exercise) before bed, not enough sunlight first thing in the morning,
time change, pregnancy, and medications.
Lack of sleep can cause a decrease in mental performance, increase
the severity of diabetes hypertension, obesity, and memory loss, and speed up
the aging process. Higher events of mental illness like depression and bipolar
are more prominent. When you clock is off your eating patterns can be affected.
How to reset your circadian rhythm:
Do not use computers, TV, cellphones before bed
Use soft blue or red lights as night lights
Exercise daily
Enjoy outdoor activities
Avoid caffeine
Try to keep your sleep/wake schedule the same
Go to bed on an empty stomach
Fill your mind with positive thoughts so you don’t
dwell on your problems
A relationship with God can refresh your spirit,
and promote a Sabbath day of rest