All About Me

Hello, My name is Sabrina. those who work with me know me by Bree. I am a nurse for 8 plus years. I love food!!!! I am not a "Susie home maker" and I don't spend a lot of time in the kitchen. if fact I would rather work than do housework or cook. however being a nurse I am  passionate about health and wellness. I am passionate about natural remedies. I have tried every diet and every multi-level marketing scam known to man. If you would like a particular review on one just comment and ask. I am currently going to school to be a nurse practitioner, and I hope that one day I can incorporate natural remedies in my practice.  This blog was created to help other who are going through life changes. I will post about:
  • Vegan living
  • Meditation and chakras
  • fitness
  • Essential oils
  • Raising children
  • Cleaning up my life
  • What its like to be a nurse
  • and anything else I can think of that might help others.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any ideas of something you would like to see.

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