Friday, July 8, 2016

Pagan vs biblical meditation

The reason for this post is... I said something about meditation to a friend of mine who is very religious. She commented back to me "be careful can be a pagan ritual". Huh?!? I was flabbergasted by this. I have never heard such a thing.. So of coarse I had to research the shit out of it to find out what she was talking about....

What is pagan? Google tells me a pagan is a person who's holds religious beliefs other than the main world beliefs, or un godly beliefs.

What is paganism? Can be thought of as Wiccan or devil worship.

So how is meditation paganism??? I did a Google search of meditate and the first think to pop up was a meditation guide.... WHAT?!? Go there read it... This is what most of us think about meditation. Quite place. Sitting comfortable. Empting our minds of all thoughts. Hmmmm see the ritualness of this?? Yoga, it-chi, chakras, gazing, mantras.... All pagan (wow) my eyes have been opened.

So I remembered what my friend said... "CAN BE" so I thought meditation can not be pagan as well. Meaning meditation can be biblical. So I searched meditation in the bible and found many many scriptures about meditation. Meditation in the bible most verses I found say to meditate on the law or meditate on the word.... Me being the person I am and having to understand everything. Wanted to know more.

I found this video that explains what biblical meditation or Hagah means. He explains how meditation should be done and all the steps to properly meditate. If you have ever meditated and are religious you should watch this video. It is kinda long at 25 minutes. Definitely opened my eyes. Meditation is not sitting being quite doing nothing! I like what he says about pleasurable diversion or amusement.... That is a whole other can of worms! 

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