Saturday, August 22, 2015


Well I'm back after some sort of a hiatus. I have been buys with school and work. but man I have missed you guys.

While I was gone I was present with a question that I was not sure how to answer.... cholesterol how do you get it? well I don't.... so I wanted to know why I needed cholesterol. Cholesterol is important for the reproductive hormones that women need to ovulate and make babies. WOW, I did not know that. Cholesterol is a wax like substance that is normal for cellular structure and function. The body packages cholesterol in to low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein.
LDL has higher concentration of fat to protein. LDL is considered the bad cholesterol. LDL is the type of cholesterol that is responsible for promoting heart disease. LDL is also responsible for helping to provide building blocks for cells surface membranes in the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.  So they can adapt to temperature changes. cholesterol also aids in digestion by producing hormones and vitamins.  

HDL have a higher concentration of protein to fat. HDL is considered the good cholesterol. HDL scrubs away extra bad cholesterol in order to prevent heart disease.

So with all this said. it sounds to me like we need cholesterol.... my last post I said cholesterol is only derived from animals and we should not eat animals.... I stand by that statement and here is why.

Our bodies need cholesterol so much that our bodies can produce its own cholesterol. The Brain is able to produce the amount of cholesterol the body need to fulfill its needs. Yeah still no meat!

Saturday, July 25, 2015



What have you heard about water? drink more, drink bottled, or drink alkaline. Well I'm gonna tell you what I know about water.

1. Dink more- studies show those who drink 8-10 glasses of water a day lose more weight, are healthier, and have healthier skin.
How is this you say?
-Drinking water (two 8 oz glasses) 20-30 before a meat eat 75% few calories
-Lack of water can cause dehydration which can cause alterations in blood pressure, blood sugar, and the fats in your blood stream. chronic lack of water causes kidneys to fail.
-When you are hydrated, your skin is moist and cool.

2. Drink bottled water-some companies use tap water anyways, so know your brands.
      Tap water                                                    bottled water
contains chlorine                                         does not contain chlorine
contains fluoride                                         does not contain fluoride
no other additives                                       may contain other additives for  taste
inexpensive                                                 expensive
FDA regulates                                            EPA regulates
less regulated                                             more regulated

3.Alkaline water- it is only alkaline because the pH level is altered to meet the need of your body... guess what? your body does it better anyway! its just a hype to get you to spend more money on water.

Moral of the story. drink your water anyway you can get it.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015


I have some thoughts and random rants… how many of you hold grudges? How many of you feel you were wronged? Most of you out there at one time or another has been angry at someone for something. Right? So what does that do to the person who made you angry? NOTHING! (usually unless you run them over with your car). The main person affected is you! YOU were wronged and now YOU are angry. If you cannot fix you then you suffer. I have always been lucky to not stay angry to long. I am going to give you some steps to help you fix you.

1.      Identify- identify who made you angry or who wronged you.

2.      Forgiveness- sometimes this is not possible, but if it is the process will be easier.  Talk with then let them know they hurt you but you forgive them.

3.      Refocus your anger in to kindness or compassion for that person. This is important if they are close. Usually those closest to us are the one who hurt us the most.

4.      If the wronged or hurt feelings are unforgiveable or you just cannot move on, focus your attention on someone you can have a trusting relationship with.

5.      Get up every day! Look for the positive in all things. Be grateful and show gratitude in everything you do. (Please don't post on Facebook or tell me your problems if you haven't even tried to fix them) 

Monday, July 13, 2015


You should eat food high in antioxidant. Why? It prevents damage to the arteries almost protecting them. Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals are believed to cause cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and autoimmune disease. There are 3 types of antioxidant…

1.      Antioxidant enzymes- such as superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, glutathione reductase, and catalases. They require a partner to work properly in our bodies, such as iron, copper, selenium, magnesium, and zinc.

2.      Antioxidant vitamins- Vitamin A, C, E, folic acid, CoQ10, and beta-carotene.

3.      Antioxidant phytochemicals-carotenoids, flavonoids, allyl sulfides, polyphenols, and many more  

The following is a list of different kinds of antioxidants and foods that are high in each.

• Allium sulphur compounds: Leeks, onions, garlic
• Anthocyanins:
Eggplant, grapes, berries
Beta carotene: Pumpkin, mangoes, apricots, carrots, spinach, parsley
• Catechins:
Red wine, tea
• Copper:
Seafood, lean meat, milk, nuts, legumes
Cryptoxanthins: Red peppers, pumpkin, mangoes
• Flavonoids:
Tea, green tea, red wine, citrus fruits, onion, apples
• Indoles:
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower
• Lignans:
Sesame seeds, bran, whole grains, vegetables
• Lutein:
Corn, leafy greens (such as spinach)
Lycopene: Tomatoes, pink grapefruit, watermelon
Manganese: Seafood, lean meat, milk, nuts
• Polyphenols:
Thyme, oregano
• Selenium:
Seafood, offal, lean meat, whole grains
Vitamin C: Oranges, berries, kiwi fruit, mangoes, broccoli, spinach, peppers
• Vitamin E:
Vegetable oils, nuts, avocados, seeds, whole grains
• Zinc:
Seafood, lean meat, milk, nuts
Zoochemicals: Red meat, offal, fish

Sunday, July 12, 2015




Circulation is the important to life!! What would you do without circulation? Die? Yep me too! There are 2 things that your circulation depends on 1. No plaque or cholesterol and 2. The ability to constrict and dilated your arteries.  Nitric oxide is important for the dilation.

1.       In order to prevent plaque buildup in the arteries, one should avoid foods high in cholesterol. Plant based foods contain no cholesterol. Did you hear that right? Let me repeat it…PLANT BASED FOODS CONTAIN NO CHOLESTEROL! That’s right none! The only foods with cholesterol are the animals or bi-products of animals with the exception of egg whites.

Egg whites
Ice cream
Chicken breast no skin
Chicken with skin
Beef kidney
Beef liver
Beef brains

Tidbit of information…. Once cholesterol is exposed to air it is oxidized, more harmful to our body than non-exposed to air. Soooo… I guess it is ok to drink cow’s milk but only if you go straight to the source before it is oxidized! Oh wait, then it is not sterile and has many germs that may not be so good for you. Guess it is still not a good idea.


2.       Nitric oxide-vasodilates the blood vessels, cause blood vessels to enlarge, prevents blood from sticing together, and inhibits plaque formation. High cholesterol inhibits the production of nitric oxide. Just one meal can prevent nitric oxide from forming and helping the vessels to dilate.  Arginine is a substance that helps the body to produce nitric oxide.

Lima beans
Kidney beans
Garbanzo beans
Pumpkin seeds


Nursing tidbit: vasoplegic syndrome occurs when patients are on the cardiopulmonary bypass as a result of too much nitric oxide. Methylene blue is given as an antidote. methylene binds to the nitric oxide the unbind it from the hemoglobin. This in turns allows the body to oxygenate and the vessels to constricts like they need to. It turns the urine blue/green for weeks.  

Saturday, July 11, 2015

What do I say?

Good vegan come backs:

Why don’t you drink milk?
                Answer: Because I am a grown up. Humans are the only mammal that drink the milk of another animal and continue to drink it as gown ups.

Where do you get your protein from?
                Answer: where do you get your magnesium?

We need meat to survive!
                Answer: why do vegetarians live longer?

Plants are living things too
                Answer: pick an apple and kill a pig and tell me that’s the same thing! I tell them you watch a video of a documentary of a pig slaughterhouse and ill watch a video of a documentary of a vegetable harvest.

So…. What do you eat?
                Answer: anything that dont shit!
                Answer: I don’t eat anything with a butt hole!

Why are you vegan?
                Answer: Im not! I’m a hippy! Mind if I take my clothes off too? (Leaves them speechless)

You are missing out on the joys of life
                Answer: if by joys you mean cancer and heart disease, then I’m glad I’m missing out!

Are you vegan because you love animals?
                Answer: Nope, I hate plants! Must kill them all!

healthy score

What is your health score?

click here to get your health score. Mine is 78... that means I am medium healthy. I don't think I will ever be all the way health because I use to smoke. With that being said I know where my other weak points so I can focus on how be the healthy I can be. I currently do not exercise. I am too tired on days I work and too lazy on my days off. Knowing this it gives me something to focus on. What was your score? I found an app on my phone called digital health scorecard. This app was useful in giving me a detailed score. I scored an 85. (yeah it is better). I know my risks are my BMI is 26 a tad bit high and my physical activity makes my risks high. Guess I better my butt to the gym or something.

Friday, July 10, 2015


What the heck are chakras?

Chakras are energy centers in the body. Ii is thought that if you have a blocked energy you get sick. Chakras are also a form of meditation. Chakras start at the bottom of our spine and travel upwards toward our head.
1. Root chakra is at the very bottom of our pelvic floor. This is thought to be our foundation and our sense of being grounded. the emotional issues attached to this is financial, money, food, safety, and our right to live. The color associated with this is red.
2. Sacral chakra is in the lower part of our abdomens below the navel. This chakra is our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. The emotional issues attached to this is sexuality, creativity, pleasure, wellbeing, and a sense of abundance. The color associated with this is orange.
3. Solar plexus chakras is in the upper abdomen in the stomach area.  This chakra is our ability to be confident and in control. The emotional issues attached to this is self worth, self confidence, and self esteem. The color associated with this is yellow.
4. Heart chakra is in the center of the chest. This chakra is our ability to love. The emotional issues attached to this is love, joy, and inner peace. The color associated with this is green.
5. Throat chakra is in the throat area. This chakra is our ability to communicate. The emotional issues attached to this are self expression of feelings, communication, and truth. The color associated with this is blue.
6. Third eye chakra is in the forehead between the eyes. This chakra is our ability to focus and see the big picture. The emotional issues associated with this are intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions. The color associated with this is purple
7. Crown chakra is at very tom of the head. This chakra is our ability to connect spiritually. The emotional issues attached to this beauty, spirituality, and wisdom. The color associated with this is purple.

Okay so now what...

Step one balance your chakras. How the heck can I balance my chakras? You can balance your chakras by meditation, doing yoga, focus on breathing. I'm still learning but this is the methods I have used. I found cool app that plays harmonious music to focus on. I heard it is helpful to wear the focus color when balancing your chakras. However, my only alone time is sitting on the toilet or in the bath. So I have found it helpful to focus on the color and the area in which I want the energy to go.

Step two opening your chakras. This is where  you get to know the energy of each chakras. When you know the energy you can open it to help you. once you activate the energy and open the chakra you can use this for self healing. I have not approached this step yet I am still focusing on step one.

Step three is chakra healing. This step is used by reiki therapy. I have not even read on this as I do not want to overload my wee brain. so check back for more on this later.  Here is what Dr. Oz says about reiki.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

What does vegan mean?

So I have talked some about vegan. I know many of you are either asking what is a vegan or some of you think you might know. Well a vegan is similar to a vegetarian... Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or poultry. However vegans are a complete life style. What do I mean by that? Well Vegans not only don't eat meat or meat products, but they don't use any animal products in their lives. For example, no eggs, dairy, honey, leather, fur, silk, wool, cosmetics, soaps, and any other products that are derived from animals.
 I am a cardiac surgery nurse and I see everyday the harmful effects that animal protein has on the body. So I decided to start my journey by just cutting out meat. Then.... I watched the Netflix movie Vegucated....I saw the animal and the things they went through. I grew up on a farm and we raised our own animal for meat and grew our own vegetables. I remember becoming attached to the little boogers and it was very traumatic seeing my friends being murdered! As a young adult (pre nursing school) I got a job at a meat packing plant (bad idea). FYI.... hamburger meat is the most disgusting thing ever? My dad told me as a kid that hamburger meat, hotdogs, and bologna are just lips and asshole (pardon my French). But its kind of true... there are parts of the animal in those things that you could not imagine. If you don't believe me just look online. Google "how to make hamburger meat" there are many YouTube videos. I don't mean scare you but you should be educated to what you are doing to your bodies.
Red meat is linked to 6 disease process in the body
1. A study from UCLA suggest that the proteins called Tau and beta-amyloids  (that cause Alzheimer's disease) are linked to the Iron in red meats.
2. Red meats have been linked to cardiovascular disease. What do you know cardiac disease to be caused from? high cholesterol??? Where do you get your cholesterol from? Need proof?
3. This study shows how red meat is linked to diabetes type 2. Bet you thought it was from eating too many sweets huh?
4. many more like colon cancer, mad cow disease, and it is packed with hormones
5. Besides what did a cow ever do to you?

It is proven vegetarians live longer happier lives. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015


The #1 question I get asked is where do you get your protein? Well... protein is a nutrient not only found in meant contrary to what some may think. Protein is found in all foods. The fact is I am able to achieve my protein levels faster then non-vegan peeps.
Protein requirements are 0.9 grams of protein for every kilogram you weigh. do you know how much kilograms you weigh? For example if you weigh 150 pounds


Then you figure out your protein requirements by multiplying your kg by 0.9


So..... my requirements are 61 grams of protein.

now what do I eat

1 cup of oatmeal=6gm
mixed with 2 tbsp. peanut butter= 8gm
total 14gm

1 cup lentils 18gm (OMG yes I said 18)
1 cup quinoa 8gm
total 26 (so far I up to 40gm)

2 slices of whole wheat bread 7gm
1 veggie patty 13gm
a hand full of almonds 8gm
total 28
Grand total 68... see there I over. what did you eat today and how much protein did you have?

See here for a list of how much protein is in your food

Thursday, July 2, 2015

the only one

What it's like to be the only Vegan?

I have always been that girl, you know the one who is on a different diet every week. This is the longest I have ever been faithful to anything nutrition wise. I feel great! But my family is still not convinced. They will take time. So right now I cook food for them and then food for me. I'm still substituting...for example I make spaghetti with out meat the ad meat to theirs. A friend bought me a veggitti. To make noodles out of vegetables. Haven't tried it yet... I will let you know. I work 12 hour shifts at work, some times 5 to 6 days a week. So being a vegan at work is not hard. I very rarely eat at home so being a vegan here is not do bad either. I just wish my family could share this great nutrition with me. I make good choices about my food, try to stay away from processed foods. So far I feel great and guess what I have lost 14 pounds in the process.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Cheese recipe

As I am continuing my transformation in my leptin I have been researching and watching documentaries on food. Growing up on a farm, I was about to have some shell shock. I learned meat is not that great for your body and your cardiovascular system. I decided to become a vegan...watching Vegucated on netflix helped with this decision. I initially had no problems with meat, milk, or eggs. My fall back cheat meal was cheese. That was until a co-worker who is vegan had given me some fake cheese. The best stuff ever!!!

1 cup raw cashews
2 cups water
1/2 large our 1 small red bell pepper
1 1/2 tsp salt
2 tsp garlic
1lemon peeled

Blend all ingredients until smooth, then boil. Stirring until thick.

This stuff makes the best ever Mac and cheese! The kids never knew the difference hehehe
Since this experience I have been 100% this is my 1 month mark. Guess I just made a habit.

Continue my leptin

Continue with my I try to change my diet times, I am also trying to modify my sleep times. HARD with kids fyi. So I turned to all natural melatonin. I found the spray so I can modify my dose (1-3 mg) depending on my level of readiness to go to bed. Melatonin is a hormone that occurs in the body to help start the internal clock be ready for sleep. With this newly found sleep medicine I began to research my circadian clock which is chronobiology (the study of circadian rhythms). Our circadian rhythm are not only or awake/sleep patterns but many other functions in the body that occur in patterns.
As you can see light affects your sleep cycles, so my routine of laying in bed surfing Facebook or pintreast had to be changed. This is my only me time to catch up on the latest gossip. I haven't convinced my husband on my beliefs yet so he continues to leave the t.v.on at night. Guess I might have to invest in a night cap or those goggle looking things. Short sleep durations are associated with leptin resistance and reduction. There is a lot of research on how dependent leptin levels are to you quality and quantity of sleep. I will keep you updated on my journey....

My leptin

Let me start with how this started..... I was given a school project to research leptin and how it affects obesity. Leptin is what your body releases when you eat every time you eat.
Leptin is responsible for several things,
1. It tells your body when you are full
2. It goes to your hypothalamus and binds to receptors the release hormones (to many to list).
3. It goes to the liver and tells the body what energy to store as fat and what the body can use now.

How to fix you leptin issues:
1. Avoid processed foods
2. Eat soluble fibers 
3. Exercise
4. Sleep times regular and when dark out
5. Decrease your triglycerides 
6. Eat lots of protein
This a great resource to check out

When we eat as we are taught to when dieting, every 2 hours, we get leptin overload and the body doesn't know what to do with it all. There for we become leptin resistant. I just knew after this assignment I was leptin resistant. I desperately needed to get my leptin in check. I searched high and low and began modifying my diet. I watched some videos on youtube called leptin for layman ( ).  I started with the times I ate. I ate with in 30 minutes of rising in the morning, then nothing but water and unsweet tea for 5 to 6 hours, then ate lunch, then again nothing 5 to 6 hours, then dinner. I tried to keep my meal times within 30 minutes to 1 hour each day. For example breakfast every day was 5-530, lunch 10-1, and dinner  5-6. I tried to eat nothing after 6pm. I tried next to keep my bed time by 9pm every night. Those of you with kids know this is sometimes not possible. I stopped worrying so much about house work and focused on me work! Stay tuned for other modifications as I continue this journey.