Tuesday, July 14, 2015


I have some thoughts and random rants… how many of you hold grudges? How many of you feel you were wronged? Most of you out there at one time or another has been angry at someone for something. Right? So what does that do to the person who made you angry? NOTHING! (usually unless you run them over with your car). The main person affected is you! YOU were wronged and now YOU are angry. If you cannot fix you then you suffer. I have always been lucky to not stay angry to long. I am going to give you some steps to help you fix you.

1.      Identify- identify who made you angry or who wronged you.

2.      Forgiveness- sometimes this is not possible, but if it is the process will be easier.  Talk with then let them know they hurt you but you forgive them.

3.      Refocus your anger in to kindness or compassion for that person. This is important if they are close. Usually those closest to us are the one who hurt us the most.

4.      If the wronged or hurt feelings are unforgiveable or you just cannot move on, focus your attention on someone you can have a trusting relationship with.

5.      Get up every day! Look for the positive in all things. Be grateful and show gratitude in everything you do. (Please don't post on Facebook or tell me your problems if you haven't even tried to fix them) 

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