Friday, July 10, 2015


What the heck are chakras?

Chakras are energy centers in the body. Ii is thought that if you have a blocked energy you get sick. Chakras are also a form of meditation. Chakras start at the bottom of our spine and travel upwards toward our head.
1. Root chakra is at the very bottom of our pelvic floor. This is thought to be our foundation and our sense of being grounded. the emotional issues attached to this is financial, money, food, safety, and our right to live. The color associated with this is red.
2. Sacral chakra is in the lower part of our abdomens below the navel. This chakra is our connection and ability to accept others and new experiences. The emotional issues attached to this is sexuality, creativity, pleasure, wellbeing, and a sense of abundance. The color associated with this is orange.
3. Solar plexus chakras is in the upper abdomen in the stomach area.  This chakra is our ability to be confident and in control. The emotional issues attached to this is self worth, self confidence, and self esteem. The color associated with this is yellow.
4. Heart chakra is in the center of the chest. This chakra is our ability to love. The emotional issues attached to this is love, joy, and inner peace. The color associated with this is green.
5. Throat chakra is in the throat area. This chakra is our ability to communicate. The emotional issues attached to this are self expression of feelings, communication, and truth. The color associated with this is blue.
6. Third eye chakra is in the forehead between the eyes. This chakra is our ability to focus and see the big picture. The emotional issues associated with this are intuition, imagination, wisdom, ability to think and make decisions. The color associated with this is purple
7. Crown chakra is at very tom of the head. This chakra is our ability to connect spiritually. The emotional issues attached to this beauty, spirituality, and wisdom. The color associated with this is purple.

Okay so now what...

Step one balance your chakras. How the heck can I balance my chakras? You can balance your chakras by meditation, doing yoga, focus on breathing. I'm still learning but this is the methods I have used. I found cool app that plays harmonious music to focus on. I heard it is helpful to wear the focus color when balancing your chakras. However, my only alone time is sitting on the toilet or in the bath. So I have found it helpful to focus on the color and the area in which I want the energy to go.

Step two opening your chakras. This is where  you get to know the energy of each chakras. When you know the energy you can open it to help you. once you activate the energy and open the chakra you can use this for self healing. I have not approached this step yet I am still focusing on step one.

Step three is chakra healing. This step is used by reiki therapy. I have not even read on this as I do not want to overload my wee brain. so check back for more on this later.  Here is what Dr. Oz says about reiki.

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