Thursday, July 9, 2015

What does vegan mean?

So I have talked some about vegan. I know many of you are either asking what is a vegan or some of you think you might know. Well a vegan is similar to a vegetarian... Vegetarians do not eat meat, fish, or poultry. However vegans are a complete life style. What do I mean by that? Well Vegans not only don't eat meat or meat products, but they don't use any animal products in their lives. For example, no eggs, dairy, honey, leather, fur, silk, wool, cosmetics, soaps, and any other products that are derived from animals.
 I am a cardiac surgery nurse and I see everyday the harmful effects that animal protein has on the body. So I decided to start my journey by just cutting out meat. Then.... I watched the Netflix movie Vegucated....I saw the animal and the things they went through. I grew up on a farm and we raised our own animal for meat and grew our own vegetables. I remember becoming attached to the little boogers and it was very traumatic seeing my friends being murdered! As a young adult (pre nursing school) I got a job at a meat packing plant (bad idea). FYI.... hamburger meat is the most disgusting thing ever? My dad told me as a kid that hamburger meat, hotdogs, and bologna are just lips and asshole (pardon my French). But its kind of true... there are parts of the animal in those things that you could not imagine. If you don't believe me just look online. Google "how to make hamburger meat" there are many YouTube videos. I don't mean scare you but you should be educated to what you are doing to your bodies.
Red meat is linked to 6 disease process in the body
1. A study from UCLA suggest that the proteins called Tau and beta-amyloids  (that cause Alzheimer's disease) are linked to the Iron in red meats.
2. Red meats have been linked to cardiovascular disease. What do you know cardiac disease to be caused from? high cholesterol??? Where do you get your cholesterol from? Need proof?
3. This study shows how red meat is linked to diabetes type 2. Bet you thought it was from eating too many sweets huh?
4. many more like colon cancer, mad cow disease, and it is packed with hormones
5. Besides what did a cow ever do to you?

It is proven vegetarians live longer happier lives. 

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