Wednesday, July 8, 2015


The #1 question I get asked is where do you get your protein? Well... protein is a nutrient not only found in meant contrary to what some may think. Protein is found in all foods. The fact is I am able to achieve my protein levels faster then non-vegan peeps.
Protein requirements are 0.9 grams of protein for every kilogram you weigh. do you know how much kilograms you weigh? For example if you weigh 150 pounds


Then you figure out your protein requirements by multiplying your kg by 0.9


So..... my requirements are 61 grams of protein.

now what do I eat

1 cup of oatmeal=6gm
mixed with 2 tbsp. peanut butter= 8gm
total 14gm

1 cup lentils 18gm (OMG yes I said 18)
1 cup quinoa 8gm
total 26 (so far I up to 40gm)

2 slices of whole wheat bread 7gm
1 veggie patty 13gm
a hand full of almonds 8gm
total 28
Grand total 68... see there I over. what did you eat today and how much protein did you have?

See here for a list of how much protein is in your food

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